Resistance II: Alien Alphabet

Acrylics, 30 x 40 In.
Resistance II: Alien Alphabet
Acrylics , 30 x 40 In.
Enter the urban art puzzle. Ultra colorized characters
push and pull inside of the alien architecture.
Luminous color all in a haze. A self portrait with mystery elements resides inside of an undefined space.
A commentary on control, desire, chaos and order.
This is Resistance.
Poured into an alien alphabet soup.
A cosmic machine engulfs all within its reach.
Cosmic creatures shooting out their alien lingo language inside the spine of space. Magnets and turbines. Cogs and discs. All operating mechanisms. All of another world completely. The connective agent for Resistance. This is Resistance II: Alien Alphabet.
Details: Resistance

Details:Resistance II: Alien Alphabet