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Sensuality and Seduction JPG.jpg
2 White Wall Alien Love 2 crop 12x16 c f
Resistance I (2010).jpg
3) Compendium Twenty Thirteen 2.jpg

From Alien Love to Alien Architecture. From Action Code to Puzzle Piece.

Rich color. High intensity. You are about to enter the inner sanctum of

Andrews Art World. Grab yourself an alien lover and browse the gallery.

Alien Love

Alien Love

Alien Love becomes a means of describing for my own sexuality and reflects LGBTQ rights and freedoms. 

The race of alien beings are depicted along with an alien language, Ackerman code, a mix of numbers, words, and symbols. 

The backgrounds, painted in black and white, represent boundaries between the individual and society. 

Brightly painted characters in symbolize personal freedoms and expressions. 

The white and black labels float as reminders of social adherence and personal preference. 


The story of of Alien Love:

Dejected from their home world, they leave for outer space.

Here, they make alien love in their cosmic bubbles. 

Perhaps, one day their fellow planet dwellers will let them come home.

Until then, they remain are in blissful unions of love far above their world.

"Sensuality and Seduction" is a commentary on seduction, universal love, and sexual power.
Image 2            ALien Love - Union of
Anchor 1
"Alien Seduction" reflects on attraction and universal love.
Alien Love, Sensuality 2
Rose Alien Love

Alien Love: The Mini-Series

The saga continues in these small scale pieces with an otherworldly theme.

Alien Love: The Mini-Series
Alien Love: The Mini-Series: Alien Lovers (Green)
Alien Love: The Mini-Series: Alien Lovers (Yellow)
Alien Love: The Mini-Series: Alien Lovers (Blue)
Alien Love: The Mini-Series: Puppy Dog Alien Love- Alien Lovers (Blue)
 Alien Love: The Mini-Series:  Puppy Dog Alien Love-  Alien Lovers (Red)

White Wall Alien Love

The color forms of alien figures are set against the white wall of the gallery space. This is a Pop, Minimalist,

stripped down, alternative version of Alien Love. A commentary on emotion and raw desire.

White Wall Alien Love
2 White Wall Alien Love 2 crop 12x16 c f
 Pandemoniun 12x24 crop c flat w 2in off
Copy of 362 AA Broken Pony  12x36 crop b
 My Shadow Falls 16x40 crop c flat w 2in


A creature of myth which cannot be caged or labeled, creates its own culture of constant change. 

It revels in non-conformity. Meet the Changeling.

Changeling (2010) by Artist Andrew Ackerman
Image 15            Domain of The Change
Ghost Labels

Ghost Labels

Ghost labels & The Golden Labels. 

Alien Architecture Paintings

We enter through grids, frames, chambers, windows, and doorways.

Mysterious creatures dwell inside alien domains.

Erotic Ferrets. Feminine Machine. A place to lay your crimson heart down.

This is where otherworldly events  take shape.

Enter the architecture and see for yourself.

Alien Architecture Paintings
The Window of Pain (Filled With My Tears of Tomorrow), by Artist Andrew Ackerman
Compendium Twenty Thirteen by Artist Andrew Ackerman
Chamber (2010)
Resistance I (2010)
Resistance II, 30 x 40, acrylics (2010)
Rushed Fashion (2010) By Artist Andrew Ackerman
Automatic Machine (2010)
Society's Bitch (2010)  by Artist Andrew Ackerman
Gore (2009)
Las Ultimas by Artist Andrew Ackerman
Pulse 5 (Unresolved) 36 x 48, acrylics.JPG
River of Ghosts
The Burning of July
BETRAYL (Betrayal) -Detail    (2011)

Action Code Paintings

Paintings streaming with the energetic inter-mix code known as Ackerman code.

Several of these works were accomplished during sessions of Ackerman Paints Live.

Location, atmosphere, energy, and audience become factors in the creation of the work.

Black Blue Pink Composition (2012) By Artist Andrew Ackerman
RESONATE 4 (2012) By Artist Andrew Ackerman
Natasha Was Here (2012) By Artist Andrew Ackerman
Violet Rush (2012) By Artist Andrew Ackerman
Fame / Fortune (2012) By Artist Andrew Ackerman
Rebirth In Black And White


Paintings created during during a session of Ackerman Paints Live during The Wynwood Art Walk in Wynwood, Miami.

Pastels I (Detail) by Artist Andrew Ackerman
Pastels II by Artist Andrew Ackerman

Wynwood Tryptich

"The Wynwood Triptych" (2012) by Artist Andrew Ackerman, in "One Man Show," at The Claridge Hotel, Miami Beach.
Wynwood Triptych

The Wynwood triptych was started during a session of Ackerman paints Live. Accomplished in Wynwwood, Miami during the Wynwood Art Walk. It was completed in my studio in Boca Raton.

Puzzle Piece Portraits

Pop Art Portraits. Psychological. Emotional. Contemplative. Cartoon and comic connections. Abstracting from the realistic realm.

Puzzle Piece
Puzzle-Piece Paintings: Puzzled, Finding Peace
Puzzle-Piece Paintings: "Puzzled, Music & Technology"
Puzzled, Old & Gray (2009) by Artist Andrew Ackerman
Puzzle-Piece Paintings: Animalistic
Puzzle-Piece Paintings: Animalistic (2)
Puzzled, You Primitive! 9x11.5jpeg.jpg

Life-Like Portraits

Portraits of the artist, friends, and characters. Done on wood and canvas.

Self Portrait Against Green (2009) by Artist Andrew Ackerman
Self Portrait  with a Line of Light.jpg
Anna with Emerald Eyes.jpg
Red Heat.jpg

Layered Paintings 

Layered marks, lines and shapes inside abstracted habits. A blending and tangling of shape and color. Some get lost in confusion.

Other shapes find their place.


Scratch Strata Paintings 

Pockets of furious color. All dancing in a flurry. Scratched from start to finish by human hands. Along with the support of brush and palette knife.

Scrach Strata


Green Swamp
"Swamp," acrylics on canvas (2010),  by Artist Andrew Ackerman.

Swamp evolves from small scale paintings. Several pieces were created under a magnification lens by making incisions with palette knives and nails into the surface of canvas and board. The series culminates in a larger work. Layer upon layer of line and mark form a dense texture culture. Vibrant abstract filled habitats appear like swamp confetti.  Enter the misty swamp lands and beyond. 

Illuminated Code

Studies of  the scripts of many cultures spawned a code language of its own. The further refinement of  Ackerman Code.

Script In Red Script by Artist Andrew Ackerman
Script In Blue by Artist Andrew Ackerman

Abstract Interruptions

Landscapes with something further lurking. A hidden realm rarely seen is given new exposure. This is Abstract Interruptions.

Abstract Interruptions
Cliff Hanger by Artist Andrew Ackerman


Electric energy. Spiraling with wild alien imagery.

Monster In Heaven (Detail) by Artist Andrew Ackerman

Monster In Heaven


Flying Free

The Objects (For The Cosmic Sound Tunnel)

Andrew Ackerman,  The Green Object 2.jpg
Symbol 1      Rotation 2 2.jpg
4_Andrew_Ackerman, The Blue Object, Found object,  Acrylics and Gouache,  2021.jpg
Andrew Ackerman, The Yellow Object, Found object, Acrylics and Gouache, 2021 .jpg

BEHOLD! The Objects For The Cosmic Sound Tunnel.

Each painted object refers to a sound piece.

As a unified collection, The Objects form the video sequence, The Cosmic Sound Tunnel, a featured segment in From The Dark To The Light: An Immersive Video Experience. (2021)

The Harmonizer Object (The Cosmic Sound Tunnel)

Ther Harmonizer 2_edited.jpg
The Harmonizer Object

This work was featured in The Harmonizer. (2022)

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